My Experience With a Values Inventory

I was studying Cognitive Behavior Therapy. It was suggested that I look at what I valued in key areas of my life and then examine my behavior to see where my behavior was not in accord with those values.

One of those areas was my physical health. I found that I valued my physical health quite a lot but that my behavior was far from being in accord with that value.

This was an Ah Hah moment for me. I now had a good motive for making a habit of behaviors that promote my physical health and curbing behaviors that are adverse to it.

Without getting into details I found that my behavior in other areas was not in accord with my values. So, I made behavior-based goals. I began engaging in activities that are in accord with my values and made doing them my concrete goals.

Many of these things are part of my daily groove. I like daily. I either did it today or I didn't. So, for example one of the behavior-based goals I made is to walk two miles every day. I bought comfortable sneakers and loaded my music player with my favorite walking tunes.

Now every day I spend part of the day living in accord with my value of physical health and enjoy doing it. That, in short, is how I discovered the values inventory and the behavior-based goals method of living in accord with my values.  

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